Monday, February 14, 2011

Inner Join Practice 2

 --drop table Brand
 --drop table Flavor
 --drop table xrefFlavorBrand
 --drop table sales
 --drop table distributors
 --drop table xrefDistFlavorBrand
 --drop table xrefDistSales
 use Yummys
 create table Brand
    BrandID int identity(1,1) primary key
    ,BrandName varchar(50)
    ,BrandLocation varchar(50)
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('BlueBunny', 'San Francisco')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('PurpleMonkey', 'Detroit')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('PinkHippo', 'Malibu')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('GreenRabbit', 'Tucson')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('RainbowLamb', 'Minneapolis')
 select * 
 from Brand
 create table flavor
    Flavor_ID int identity (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
    flavor_name varchar (40),
    descraption varchar (100),
    quantity int
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('choclate', 'classic choclate', 2)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('Vanilla', 'Plain Vanilla', 4)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('Neopolatin', '1/3 Choclate, 1/3 Vanilla. 1/3 Strawberry', 1)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('Coffee', 'Fresh Cround Coffee Flavor', 0)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('Sardine', 'Self-Explanatory', 7)
 select *
 from flavor
 create table xrefFlavorBrand
    xrefID int identity (1,1) primary key
    , BrandID int
    , FlavorID int
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (1,1)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (2,2)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (3,3)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (4,4)
 insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (5,5)
 create table sales
    SalesID int identity (1,1) primary key
    , xrefID int
    , ScoopNo int
    , Price decimal(4,2)
    , SalesDate int
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (1, 2, 2.00, 1/2/10)
 insert into sales 
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (2, 3, 3.00, 1/3/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (3, 2, 2.00, 1/3/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (2,3,3.00, 1/3/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (4,2,2.00, 1/4/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (5, 4, 4.00, 1/4/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (1, 5, 5.00, 1/5/10)  
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (4, 3, 3.00, 1/5/10)  
 select * from sales
 create table xrefDistFlavorBrand
       xrefDistSalesID int identity (1,1) primary key
       ,BrandID int
       ,FlavorID int
       ,distributor_ID int
 Insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values(1,1,1)
 Insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values(2,2,2)
 Insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values(3,3,3)
 insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values(4,4,4)
 insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values (5,5,5)
 select * 
 from xrefDistFlavorBrand
 --here is the second table
 create table xrefDistSales
       xrefDistSalesID int identity (1,1) primary key
       ,BrandID int
       ,SalesID int      
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (1,1)
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (2,2)
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (3,3)
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (4,4)
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (5,5)
 select *
 from xrefDistSales
 create table distributors
       distributor_ID int identity (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
       DistributorName varchar (30)
 insert into distributors
 ('ND Icecream')
 insert into distributors
 ('GF Grocery')
 insert into distributors
 ('Henreys Foods')
 insert into distributors
 ('Mayville Grocery')
 insert into distributors
 ('Red River Valley Icecream')
 select *
 from distributors
 --keep track of the number of tubs of ice cream on hand
 Select * 
 from flavor FL
 inner join xrefDistFlavorBrand xDFB
 on FL.Flavor_ID = xDFB.FlavorID
 where quantity <=1
 --search distributors by flavor and brand, get a list of distributors
 select * 
 from distributors D
 inner join xrefDistFlavorBrand xDFB
 on d.Distributor_ID = xDFB.Distributor_ID
 inner join flavor F
 on f.Flavor_ID = xDFB.FlavorID
 inner join Brand B
 on B.BrandID = xDFB.BrandID
 where flavor_name = 'choclate'
 BrandName = 'BlueBunny'
 --Keep track of which flavors and brands were sold
 select * 
 from sales S
 inner join xrefDistSales xDS
 on s.SalesID = xDS.SalesID
 inner join xrefDistFlavorBrand xDFB
 on xDS.xrefDistSalesID = xDFB.xrefDistSalesID
 inner join flavor F
 on f.Flavor_ID = xDFB.FlavorID
 where f.flavor_name = 'vanilla'

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