Monday, February 28, 2011

Practice Numer 4

#1 - Adding items to a list box with a loop
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnCreate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreate.Click
     Dim amount As Integer = txtValue.Text
     For n As Integer = 1 To amount
       ListBox1.Items.Add(n & "items")
   End Sub
 End Class  

#2 - How many years will it take to save up to a certain amount of money
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnYears_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnYears.Click
     Dim payment As Integer = txtPayment.Text
     Dim counter As Integer = 1
     Dim amount As Integer
     Dim goal As Integer = 10000
     Dim years As Integer
     Do While amount < goal
       counter += 1
       amount = payment * counter
     years = counter / 12
     MessageBox.Show(years & " Years")
   End Sub
 End Class  

#3 - Create a Times table using a loop within a loop
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnCreate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreate.Click
     Dim y As Integer
     Dim x As Integer
     For x = 1 To 10
       For y = 1 To 10
         Dim btn As New Button
         btn.Location = New Point(35 * x, 35 * y)
         btn.Height = 35
         btn.Width = 35
         btn.Text = (x * y)
   End Sub
 End Class  

Friday, February 25, 2011

Left/Right Outer Joins

Below are examples of left and right outer joins.

 use Yummys
 select *
 from Brand B
 left outer join xrefFlavorBrand xrefFB
 on B.BrandID = xrefFB.BrandID
 --Right Outer Join
 select *
 from sales S
 right outer join xrefDistSales xrefDS
 on S.SalesID = xrefDS.SalesID  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Below are some examples of code for different loops used in VB.Net

Code for a do(while first) loop
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnLoop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoop.Click
     Dim x As Integer = 5
     Do While x < 10
       x += 1
   End Sub
 End Class  

Code for a do(while last) loop
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnLoop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoop.Click
     Dim x As Integer = 5
       x += 1
     Loop While (x < 10)
   End Sub
 End Class  

Code for a for loop
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnLoop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoop.Click
     Dim x As Integer = 1
     Dim y As Integer = 5
     For n As Integer = x To y
   End Sub
 End Class  

Code For a for each loop
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnLoop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoop.Click
     Dim name As String = "Ben"
     Dim character As Char
     For Each character In name
   End Sub
 End Class  

Monday, February 14, 2011

Inner Join Practice 2

 --drop table Brand
 --drop table Flavor
 --drop table xrefFlavorBrand
 --drop table sales
 --drop table distributors
 --drop table xrefDistFlavorBrand
 --drop table xrefDistSales
 use Yummys
 create table Brand
    BrandID int identity(1,1) primary key
    ,BrandName varchar(50)
    ,BrandLocation varchar(50)
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('BlueBunny', 'San Francisco')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('PurpleMonkey', 'Detroit')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('PinkHippo', 'Malibu')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('GreenRabbit', 'Tucson')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('RainbowLamb', 'Minneapolis')
 select * 
 from Brand
 create table flavor
    Flavor_ID int identity (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
    flavor_name varchar (40),
    descraption varchar (100),
    quantity int
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('choclate', 'classic choclate', 2)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('Vanilla', 'Plain Vanilla', 4)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('Neopolatin', '1/3 Choclate, 1/3 Vanilla. 1/3 Strawberry', 1)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('Coffee', 'Fresh Cround Coffee Flavor', 0)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption, quantity)
    ('Sardine', 'Self-Explanatory', 7)
 select *
 from flavor
 create table xrefFlavorBrand
    xrefID int identity (1,1) primary key
    , BrandID int
    , FlavorID int
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (1,1)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (2,2)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (3,3)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (4,4)
 insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (5,5)
 create table sales
    SalesID int identity (1,1) primary key
    , xrefID int
    , ScoopNo int
    , Price decimal(4,2)
    , SalesDate int
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (1, 2, 2.00, 1/2/10)
 insert into sales 
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (2, 3, 3.00, 1/3/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (3, 2, 2.00, 1/3/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (2,3,3.00, 1/3/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (4,2,2.00, 1/4/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (5, 4, 4.00, 1/4/10)
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (1, 5, 5.00, 1/5/10)  
 insert into sales
    (xrefID, ScoopNo, Price, SalesDate) values (4, 3, 3.00, 1/5/10)  
 select * from sales
 create table xrefDistFlavorBrand
       xrefDistSalesID int identity (1,1) primary key
       ,BrandID int
       ,FlavorID int
       ,distributor_ID int
 Insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values(1,1,1)
 Insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values(2,2,2)
 Insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values(3,3,3)
 insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values(4,4,4)
 insert into xrefDistFlavorBrand(BrandID,FlavorID,distributor_ID) values (5,5,5)
 select * 
 from xrefDistFlavorBrand
 --here is the second table
 create table xrefDistSales
       xrefDistSalesID int identity (1,1) primary key
       ,BrandID int
       ,SalesID int      
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (1,1)
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (2,2)
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (3,3)
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (4,4)
 insert into xrefDistSales(BrandID,SalesID) values (5,5)
 select *
 from xrefDistSales
 create table distributors
       distributor_ID int identity (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
       DistributorName varchar (30)
 insert into distributors
 ('ND Icecream')
 insert into distributors
 ('GF Grocery')
 insert into distributors
 ('Henreys Foods')
 insert into distributors
 ('Mayville Grocery')
 insert into distributors
 ('Red River Valley Icecream')
 select *
 from distributors
 --keep track of the number of tubs of ice cream on hand
 Select * 
 from flavor FL
 inner join xrefDistFlavorBrand xDFB
 on FL.Flavor_ID = xDFB.FlavorID
 where quantity <=1
 --search distributors by flavor and brand, get a list of distributors
 select * 
 from distributors D
 inner join xrefDistFlavorBrand xDFB
 on d.Distributor_ID = xDFB.Distributor_ID
 inner join flavor F
 on f.Flavor_ID = xDFB.FlavorID
 inner join Brand B
 on B.BrandID = xDFB.BrandID
 where flavor_name = 'choclate'
 BrandName = 'BlueBunny'
 --Keep track of which flavors and brands were sold
 select * 
 from sales S
 inner join xrefDistSales xDS
 on s.SalesID = xDS.SalesID
 inner join xrefDistFlavorBrand xDFB
 on xDS.xrefDistSalesID = xDFB.xrefDistSalesID
 inner join flavor F
 on f.Flavor_ID = xDFB.FlavorID
 where f.flavor_name = 'vanilla'

Assignment Three - Question Four

Create a form with three buttons and a listbox. Upon loading put three items in the listbox so it is not empty. Make button one selct item one, button two select item two, and button three select item three.

 Public Class Form1
   Dim WithEvents lstItems As New ListBox
   Dim strone As String = "Item One"
   Dim strtwo As String = "Item Two"
   Dim strthree As String = "Item Three"
   Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
     lstItems.Location = New Point(82, 5)
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnOne_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOne.Click
     lstItems.SelectedIndex = 0
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnTwo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTwo.Click
     lstItems.SelectedIndex = 1
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnThree_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnThree.Click
     lstItems.SelectedIndex = 2
   End Sub
 End Class  

Assignment Three - Question Three

When button is clicked, it will create 3 labels and 3 textboxes associated with those labels. When textboxes are hovered over, change their background color. When it is not being hovered over, change the bacground color back to white.

 Public Class Form1
   Dim WithEvents txtone, txttwo, txtthree As New TextBox
   Dim WithEvents lblone, lbltwo, lblthree As New Label
   Private Sub btnMultiply_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMultiply.Click
     txtone.Height = 75
     txtone.Width = 100
     txtone.Text = "I Am Textbox One"
     txtone.Location = New Point(4, 1)
     txtone.BackColor = Color.White
     txttwo.Height = 75
     txttwo.Width = 100
     txttwo.Text = "I Am Textbox Two"
     txttwo.Location = New Point(225, 1)
     txttwo.BackColor = Color.White
     txtthree.Height = 75
     txtthree.Width = 100
     txtthree.Text = "I Am Textbox Three"
     txtthree.Location = New Point(450, 1)
     txtthree.BackColor = Color.White
     lblone.Height = 100
     lblone.Width = 100
     lblone.Text = "I Am Label One"
     lblone.Location = New Point(4, 85)
     lbltwo.Height = 100
     lbltwo.Width = 100
     lbltwo.Text = "I Am Label Two"
     lbltwo.Location = New Point(225, 85)
     lblthree.Height = 100
     lblthree.Width = 100
     lblthree.Text = "I Am Label Three"
     lblthree.Location = New Point(450, 85)
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtone_mouseenter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtone.MouseEnter
     txtone.BackColor = Color.Red
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtone_mouseleave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtone.MouseLeave
     txtone.BackColor = Color.White
   End Sub
   Private Sub txttwo_mouseenter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txttwo.MouseEnter
     txttwo.BackColor = Color.Red
   End Sub
   Private Sub txttwo_mouseleave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txttwo.MouseLeave
     txttwo.BackColor = Color.White
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtthree_mouseenter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtthree.MouseEnter
     txtthree.BackColor = Color.Red
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtthree_mouseleave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtthree.MouseLeave
     txtthree.BackColor = Color.White
   End Sub
 End Class  

Assignment Three - Question Two

Form with 4 buttons
1 - enable/disable textbox
2 - change background color in textbox between two colors
3 - Put in and remove text in textbox
4 - Change border style between fixed 3d and none

 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnEnable_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnable.Click
     If txtBox.Enabled = True Then
       txtBox.Enabled = False
     ElseIf txtBox.Enabled = False Then
       txtBox.Enabled = True
     End If
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnBackground_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBackground.Click
     If txtBox.BackColor = Color.White Then
       txtBox.BackColor = Color.Red
     ElseIf txtBox.BackColor = Color.Red Then
       txtBox.BackColor = Color.White
     End If
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnHide_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHide.Click
     If txtBox.Text = "Now You See Me" Then
       txtBox.Text = ""
     ElseIf txtBox.Text = "" Then
       txtBox.Text = "Now You See Me"
     End If
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnBoarder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBoarder.Click
     If txtBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D Then
       txtBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
     ElseIf txtBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None Then
       txtBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
     End If
   End Sub
 End Class  

Assignment 3 - Question One

When button is hovered over move button to a random location

 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btn1_MouseHover(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn1.MouseHover
     Dim rnd1 As New Random
     Dim x As Integer = rnd1.Next(100)
     Dim y As Integer = rnd1.Next(100)
     btn1.Location = New Point(x, y)
   End Sub
 End Class  

Friday, February 4, 2011


 use Yummys
 --drop table Brand
 --drop table Flavor
 --drop table xrefFlavorBrand
 create table Brand
    BrandID int identity(1,1) primary key
    ,BrandName varchar(50)
    ,BrandLocation varchar(50)
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('BlueBunny', 'San Francisco')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('PurpleMonkey', 'Detroit')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('PinkHippo', 'Malibu')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('GreenRabbit', 'Tucson')
 insert into Brand (BrandName, BrandLocation) values ('RainbowLamb', 'Minneapolis')
 select * 
 from Brand
 create table flavor
    Flavor_ID int identity (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
    flavor_name varchar (40),
    descraption varchar (100)
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption)
    ('choclate', 'classic choclate')
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption)
    ('Vanilla', 'Plain Vanilla')
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption)
    ('Neopolatin', '1/3 Choclate, 1/3 Vanilla. 1/3 Strawberry')
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption)
    ('Coffee', 'Fresh Cround Coffee Flavor')
    insert into flavor
    (flavor_name, descraption)
    ('Sardine', 'Self-Explanatory')
 select *
 from flavor
 create table xrefFlavorBrand
    xrefID int identity (1,1) primary key
    , BrandID int
    , FlavorID int
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (1,1)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (2,2)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (3,3)
 Insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (4,4)
 insert into xrefFlavorBrand (BrandID, FlavorID) values (5,5)
 select *
 from xrefFlavorBrand
 select FL.*, xFB.BrandID, B.BrandName
 from flavor FL 
 inner join xrefFlavorBrand xFB
 on FL.Flavor_ID = xFB.xrefID
 inner join Brand B
 on xFB.BrandID = B.BrandID
 where FL.flavor_name = 'Coffee'

Adding a button, label, listbox, and text box programmatically

Here I added a button, label, listbox, and text box programmatically. I also changed some properties along the way.

 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
     Dim txtBox As New TextBox
     Dim lblLabel As New Label
     Dim btnButton As New Button
     Dim lstList As New ListBox
     txtBox.Height = 7
     txtBox.Width = 150
     txtBox.Text = "Hello"
     txtBox.Location = New Point(50, 1)
     lblLabel.Text = "Hola"
     lblLabel.Location = New Point(50, 150)
     btnButton.Height = 75
     btnButton.Width = 75
     btnButton.Text = "Bonjour"
     btnButton.Location = New Point(50, 50)
     lstList.Height = 70
     lstList.Width = 50
     lstList.Text = "Hi"
     lstList.Location = New Point(50, 175)
   End Sub
 End Class  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Using If and Case statements

1. Shipping Costs

 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnTotal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTotal.Click
     Dim itemscost As String
     Dim totalcost As Integer
     itemscost = txtItemsCost.Text
     If itemscost >= 50 Then
       totalcost = itemscost
     ElseIf itemscost < 50 Then
       totalcost = itemscost + 5
     End If
   End Sub
 End Class  

2. Temperature Control App

 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnTotal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTotal.Click
     Dim temp As Integer = txtTemp.Text
     Dim AC As Integer = 76
     Dim heat As Integer = 72
     If temp < heat Then
       MessageBox.Show("Heat Turned On")
     ElseIf temp > AC Then
       MessageBox.Show("AC Turned on")
     ElseIf temp <> heat And AC Then
       MessageBox.Show("Temperature Perfect")
     End If
   End Sub
 End Class  

3. Sock Size by Age
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnTotal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSize.Click
     Dim size As String
     Dim age As String = txtAge.Text
     Select Case age
       Case 0 To 2
         size = "XS"
       Case 3 To 4
         size = "S"
       Case 5 To 8
         size = "M"
       Case 9 To 12
         size = "L"
       Case 13 To 20
         size = "XL"
     End Select
   End Sub
 End Class